Wednesday, 15 November 2006

I Want To Be Alone

The Partner is away tonight. I love it when he's away. I know that sounds bad but I just don't think I'm suited to living with someone (other than the beloved Son of course - mmm then again . .). The Partner watches a LOT of football which I can't stand (long story - I'll save it) so many an evening will find me sat in the bedroom with a book. However, when The Partner is away I can do as I damn well please. That means watching any crap on TV - you name it I'll watch it. Wife Swap, Supernanny, You Are What You Eat, How Clean Is Your House. The list is endless. I can eat what I like - chips, pies, no vegetables here please. I can leave all the lights on and the curtains open and everything. I know how to live me.

I have just finished 'The Double Life of Anna Day' by Louise Candlish. It's a bit chicklitty which isn't really my cup of tea but it turned out ok. A bit too transparent - I guessed how it would end when I was halway through it. I don't like to not finish a book so I stuck it out. Now I can move onto a book I've been wanting to read for ages - 'Ugly' by Constance Briscoe. This is a memoir of a girl who was abused by her mother throughout her childhood. I don't know if it's because I'm a glum but I love memoirs of rotten childhoods. Maybe it's because my own was fairly normal - my parents were pretty skint but we didn't really go without as such.

I can't bear to throw books away so you can imagine what my house looks like. There are piles of books everywhere. I save them for my Mum but as she lives 250 miles away I don't see her often. And she gets her revenge by sending them back to me along with books she has saved for me. I started a bookshelf in the canteen at work so people could swap but it's full to bursting.

I will probably ring my Mum tonight actually. She had her car stolen a week or so ago (Welcome to Manchester). She didn't realise it had been stolen until the police knocked on to say it had been burnt out. Unfortunately my Dad was working away and staying with me so she was on her own. They have recently sold their house (where they have lived for over 30 years with no trouble) and moved into a flat in preparation for moving to Scotland - I should think they can't wait to do a runner now. They must have been planning a ram raid as they had left the contents of her boot and her spare tyre (placed carefully) on the grass. I have lost count of the number of times my cars were broken into or vandalised when I lived in Salford. I was forever finding bald headed youths sat in the drivers seat with a handful of ignition.

Where I live now I could probably leave the keys in the ignition and nobody would notice - in fact I tried this ploy in an attempt to get rid of my last car cos I couldn't find anyone mad enough to buy it.

Why does Santa not have any children? Because he only comes once a year and then it's down the chimney. *reaches for coat*


pink jellybaby said...

i wish i didn't live with my parents sometimes. then i could eat chips and not be made to feel guilty

i get what you mean, it's nice to have space now and then

itsmyparty said...

Hi Buttons - You should never feel guilty about eating chips

Anonymous said...

I like that joke.

I'm the same with books. I have so many on my bookshelf but still have the urge to buy more but then it annoys me as I've a few hefty books which I've not finished and just cannot get back into them to finish but I NEED to know what happens!

Sniffy said...

Manchester is a wonderful city, but some fucking horrible people live here - especially in Salford. Ho hum, could be worse.

You're lucky, where you live is generally a pretty nice part of the world. I'm not saying it's without its problems and every area can have its element of shitbags, but there seems to be quite an unfair proportion of them living around the urban areas of Greater Manchester.